7:15 AM to 5:45 PM M-Th
Standard Day: 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Extended Day: 7:15 AM to 5:45 AM
Half Day: (Morning) drop off between 7:15 to 8:30 AM and pick up by 12:00 PM; or (afternoon) drop off between 12:30-1:30 PM and pick up by 5:45 PM.
2. LPLC Scheduling Terms
There are two annual scheduling periods:
Summer Term: June 1 to August 31; and School Term: September 1 to May 31.
In order to maintain enrollment, each child must be enrolled for a minimum of two full days each week.
A child is enrolled according to a fixed schedule for an entire term. Each child will be enrolled for the same days each week, for the entire term. A child may be enrolled “Part-” or “Full-Time” during each scheduling period.
Part-Time: A minimum of two full days is needed to enroll your child as part-time. Four (4) half days will count as 2 full days for purposes of enrollment.
Full-Time: A minimum of three full-days is needed to enroll your child as full-time. Students enrolled full-time will be allowed 10 "vacation" days each year.
A child requiring less regular care can use Drop-In care as available (see below).
Schedules must be submitted to LPLC by April 15th for the Summer Term and August 1st for the School Term.
A child enrolled as full-time during the School Term scheduling period will receive priority for full-time enrollment during the Summer Term. A child enrolled as full-time during the School Term may drop down to part-time (at least two full days per week) during the summer and will be able to resume full-time enrollment during the next school year.
A student enrolled as full-time during the school year who is withdrawn during the summer will not retain his/her spot for full-time enrollment during the next school year.
Decisions about scheduling exceptions will be made by the LPLC board.
3. After School
After school care is available for children aged 5 to 10 years old. After school schedules must be submitted for the full year.
4. Drop-In
A child that requires less frequent care can drop-in. There is no limit on drop-in use. However, drop-in care is only available as staffing and space allow. Drop-in may be used for sudden schedule changes. For such immediate changes, please call/email as far in advance as possible to make sure there are sufficient staff available on the the day your child needs care.
5. Flex Days
“Flex days” are days when a student would normally be scheduled but does not attend, and which do not require payment. Each student enrolled full-time is allowed 8 flex days per year. Each student enrolled part-time is allowed 4 flex days per year. Each year begins on September 1 and continues through the following August 31. Families must notify the center a minimum of 10 days in advance through Procare or the director email should they want to use flex days. Flex days may not be used in half-day increments. Flex days do not accrue among years and all unused days are lost at the end of each year.
6. Sick Days
Flex days may be used in the event of illness provided the family informs LPLC of the illness and follows protocols. The board will review and deny/approve requests for accommodation when a family is out of Flex Days but suffers a serious issue.
7. LPLC Closures
A family will be reimbursed for days that a child is scheduled and the center is unexpectedly closed. Unless previously stated, families will not be reimbursed for closures due to power outages or incidents beyond the control of Little People's Learning Center.
8. Waitlist
The LPLC board will maintain an ordered waitlist for children needing part- and full-time enrollment. Decisions about filling open enrollment spots will be made by the LPLC board.
Families wanting to have children on the waitlist will need to complete an application, specify a schedule preference, and pay the enrollment fee. These families should submit a schedule that indicates their needs if a spot were to become available. They will be offered open days (full or half) on a month-to-month basis as they are available in the schedule.
9. Schedule Changes
Schedule changes can be accommodated once a year, without jeopardizing your child’s enrollment status. Thirty (30) days notice is required to implement changes.
10. Rates
11. Questions
In order to maintain enrollment each child must be enrolled for a minimum of two full days each week. Days scheduled must be the same days each week. This is necessary to provide our staff with a stable full-time schedule.
Do four half days per week fulfill the requirement for two full days?
When do kids move-up to the next age classroom?
Move-up happens three times a year (June, September and January) and is based on a combination of teacher recommendation, age, and availability. Since tuition is based on classroom, we appreciate the need for parents to be able budget accordingly. The ages presented in the tuition document are based on State of Wyoming daycare licensing requirements.
Do families with children already enrolled get preference for spots on the waitlists?
As our children age through the center we have something akin to rolling enrollment. Spaces that open in one classroom are reserved for students already enrolled in the younger classroom who are ready to move up. After that, we maintain a waitlist for each classroom as new spots become available every year. We do give preference to families with children already enrolled.
Fixed schedules allow us to provide consistency to teachers and manage our biggest expense: staffing.
What if we need care on different days every week, or a different number of days each week? We recommend that you submit a fixed schedule for the minimum two days and add other drop-in days as needed.
If your family cannot meet the enrollment guidelines, drop-in services are still available to you! You may request as many drop-in dates as you need, but the higher drop-in fee will apply and we cannot always guarantee that care will be available on the days that you need.
What about occasional use and/or during Gardiner School breaks? This would be considered drop-in use, and availability would depend on staffing and space.
Can families change schedules mid-term, more than once each year?
In the three parent meetings and countless conversations that led to the development of this tuition plan, we took in feedback from as many families as we could. The families of Little People's were presented with four options for scheduling.
4 terms per year,
3 terms per year,
2 terms per year
a flat schedule all year.
At the parent meeting, it was voted by the majority that the center implement a 2 term schedule (summer term and school term). At this time, we are going to have two terms, with the possibility to reevaluate every year in August/September. In the meantime, as stated earlier, the board and staff of LPLC will also evaluate schedule exceptions for individual families on a case-by-case basis.
How will students who go to the Gardiner School for educational, developmental, and other support be accommodated?
The board and teachers of Little People's will work with individual families to make sure that we are doing all that we can to accommodate these additional support opportunities.
Can Snoopy School students use half day care after Snoopy School?
Of course.
Half day schedules are AM: 7:30-12:00, and PM: 12:00-5:30 (or 7:15 and 5:45 if enrolled in extended hours).
Anyone dropping a child off before 12:00 pm for afternoon half days, or picking up after 12:30 pm on morning half days, will pay the full day rate.

1. Operating hours