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Parent Resources

COVID-19 Response

We are currently open limited days and hours, and have an additional staff person to help with sanitation and cleaning guidelines. As of July 22nd, our opening days are Monday - Thursday, and our hours are 7:30 to 5:15. 

The strain of coronavirus currently in the news and causing such serious health concern is COVID-19. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have stated that this strain spreads easily and can be fatal, most often in the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. While there are other strains of coronavirus that are common, especially during flu season, COVID-19 is the one we are addressing on this this page.

For information from Wyoming State regarding Covid-19 and children, click here

For the latest information from the CDC, please visit:

CDC fact sheets:

Resources for Families

  • For helpful tips when talking to your children, click here for a handout covering talking about Covid-19 with kids, which we adapted from Bright Horizons Family Solutions. 


You can work with your children to practice some of these same steps at home:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water – use this step-by-step guide to help

  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow; or cover mouth and nose with a tissue before sneezing or coughing, then immediately discard the tissue. Print out this handy visual to show children how.

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are ill

  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially if someone is sick

Latest Guidance

Updated October 21st, 2020

Updated Center Policy

We are continuing to monitor the rapidly evolving public health situation around COVID-19. As we make temporary changes to our policies and center structure to respond to this issue, updated policies will be reflected here.


To access our most up to date Daily Operating Procedures, please click HERE

To access our general operating plan, please click HERE

Health and Hygiene Practices

Our regular health and hygiene practices provide some of the best defenses against the spread of most contagious illnesses. In addition to regular and thorough cleaning of classrooms, surfaces and toys, we teach children good hand-washing practices and ensure that children and staff take important precautions against the spread of germs​

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